Pisces – Mystical Days Portal – Post 2

24″ x 18″, Collage and Acrylic on Wood

Here is the basic – all made out of the papers from the Mystical Days Portal – December 23rd, 2024 using Gel Monoprints to make the Collage papers.

My experience with Pisces is that they have a light and a dark personality – and never the twain shall meet.

Tomorrow I will work on the tree – and I also may bring the light day horse out some more somehow.

Thus far, the only paint is in the sky, although I have added some glaze to the prints to lighten or darken them.

I also need to add the constellation of Pisces and the Sun.

I am following this sketch although I don’t know if I will do the planetary alignment… I might just do the constellation.

I am still dealing with the death of a close friend, who was a Pisces, and had an extreme personality disorder in which he was in fact, 2 or 3 entirely different people –

I also had another “run in” with a female Pisces in the last week or so, with similar traits who is mentally ill, but similarly, doesn’t think so. She has 2 personalities and neither know the other. I am just the lucky one who knows them both.

I am excommunicating her.

I think, in this painting, there will be the constellation and the Owl in the night and the Sun in the day, although it’s likely that the Owl will be in the middle of the tree.

The Owl will play the role of the observer, as will the tree.

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