
The services provided are for information purposes only and are not given as professional medical advice.  If you have a health problem, medical emergency, or a health question, I recommend you contact your healthcare provider.  The services provided by me are not intended to cure, treat or diagnose any medical conditions. Energy Healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal.

The Emotion Code, The Body Code & The Belief Code remove trapped emotions & imbalances so that the body can heal itself. Energy Healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care. Please note that healing sessions are strictly confidential and that your personal information will never be shared with anyone.

Individual results may vary as we are all unique and our healing is unique to our own personal life experiences. Some notice immediate results in their health and well-being, whereas for others, it may take several sessions, to see a notable difference.

Please stay hydrated. You might notice extreme tiredness after a session or you may feel very emotional. This is normal.
​While no guarantee can be made towards your individual experience, please be patient.

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